Wednesday, March 15, 2006

change of address

I am moving my snaggle tooth to a new address and it should be a wonderful thing once I get the other site looking beautiful. And by I, I mean 10% me and probably 90% my friend Jeff who is super good at this type of thing. We (once again 10/90) are working on the background but the posting has begun over there. The new address is:

Now I just have to get people to change my links...cabin blog...hmmm think that's it.

First up on the new and soon to be improved snaggle tooth is Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes with Orange-Ginger Cream Cheese Frosting and Marzipan Carrots. Yum.

Monday, March 13, 2006

finally time for some rest

Two weekends ago I was in Wisconsin. Last weekend I was in New York City. I am ready for a break. I felt like I was walking on razorblades but had an excellent time and yet again my celebrity sighting was a celebrity I didn't know. That's what happens when you grow up not watching tv. It was a weekend of art and friends who have moved to NYC. Sweet.

Here we are across the street from Magnolia after we ate our cupcakes (not sure why we didn't photograph them, 3 of us have degrees in photography (well two but Jeff counts).

I have also started a fruit based purchasing trend. Granny smith apple canisters from Island Antiques in Minoqua, WI.

And a beautiful bright apple and pear print overnight tote from Brooklyn Industries.

By the way, the celebrity sighting was Dougie Howser.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

could it be...?

Indeed it is. I have finally finished my Heirloom Cardigan without the frilly crochet flower things. I've not completely ruled them out, but I think they aren't quite my style.

And over here we have a shot of the teeny tiny stitches and beautiful buttons. They are uber-pretty little pearl fellows.

Anyway this is the Heirloom Cardigan from Rowan 37 without the frilly crochet. It is knit in Rowan 4ply Soft, color Goblin, on US2 needles. No pattern modifications, found the pattern easy to follow and I like the finished fit. Yum.